CONNECTHosted by Ed and Sally Kendall, Connect is an introductory evening to our life as a church. It's an ideal way to hear about the vision of the church and to think through how best you can be a part of that. If you're new to St Michael's then this is for you!
We have a number of things going on during the week. Have a browse below and if you have any question at all just click on one of the logos to get in touch!

HOME GROUPSHome Groups are a great way to feel a part of our church family. They meet on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in homes across the area to study the Bible, pray for each other and enjoy friendship.

THE BIG GET TOGETHERNormally on the first Wednesday of every month from 7.30-8.45pm we gather as a church family at St Michael's to pray for the needs of the church, our community and the wider world.